Utrecht Centrum - Domtoren
Alle locaties

De Werkspoorkathedraal

With 23 metre high ceilings and the expansive use of glass, the Werkspoorkathedraal is characterised by its iconic open architecture. The location was originally home to a steelwork factory, which carried out constructions of exceptional scale. Nowadays the site is home to extraordinary events. With an area of over 5.800m2, the Werkspoorkathedraal is perfectly suited to trade fairs, kick-offs, company events and conferences up to 3.500 people: the possibilities are endless! Our enthusiastic and experienced team are here to make sure you always get the best out of every event. Clients are able to choose their suppliers freely when it comes to audiovisual, catering and furniture services.

Stel je vraag aan De Werkspoorkathedraal

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